PROJECTALPHA - Legendary RA2 Mod Returns with a New TwistPROJECTALPHA – Legendary RA2 Mod Returns with a New Twist! We’re excited to announce the highly awaited return of PROJECTALPHA, a beloved RA2 mod that sports new sides, new countries, new buildings, new units, new icons and all new AI engine. PROJECTALPHA was first conceived on March 9, 2005, and immediately went to prominence, becoming a fan favorite and ranking among the best RA2 mods on ModDB Topsite and was nominated to the EA Website Awards.
After a hiatus, PROJECTALPHA has returned, and the mod is actively being developed. This rebirth aims to deliver even more excitement and upgraded gameplay, reigniting old fans’ passions and drawing a new generation of gamers. PROJECTALPHA – Legendary RA2 Mod Returns with a New Twist
PROJECTALPHA - Legendary RA2 Mod Returns with a New Twist PROJECTALPHA - Legendary RA2 Mod Returns with a New Twist PROJECTALPHA - Legendary RA2 Mod Returns with a New Twist PROJECTALPHA - Legendary RA2 Mod Returns with a New Twist PROJECTALPHA - Legendary RA2 Mod Returns with a New Twist
Project Alpha Mod
posted July 23, 2024 by THE11thROCK for
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