conferencing, voice calls and integration with Google App services. For the uninformed, Easter Eggs are surprise tricks included in a program as a hidden fun bonus feature. This comprehensive cheat sheet of Hangouts easter eggs includes wacky cartoony animations, Ascii code graphics, hidden emojis and still working chat tricks with deprecated features.

Google Hangouts Chat Easter Eggs Quick Links
Google Hangouts Chat Easter Eggs Cheat Sheet 2018
This list contains the comprehensive chat easter eggs for Hangouts.
Konami code
Press the keys up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, then type-in b, and a. Lastly, press Enter and it will invoke this NES-like green background with an alps mountain and a giant tree.
Type in /terminal then press Enter and it will change the posted text background to transparent. (It will appear as if the posted text is on top of the hangouts background. It also serves to nullify the effect of /bikeshed background colors.)
Type in /bikeshed then press Enter and it will change the text chat background to a random color. If you dislike the background color, restarting the chat client usually returns the background hue to the default color.
Type in /ponies then press Enter and it will render a cute-looking pony to gallop across the chat screen. Every /ponies chat entry calls a new pony.
Type in /ponystream then press Enter and it calls the same pony characters but now in a seemingly unstoppable group parade. The number of ponies rendered may slow down your computer considerably. The usual antidote is to close and restart the chat client.
Type in /pitchforks then press Enter to activate this easter egg animation. The surprise trick brings an angry mob of torch bearing townsfolk running across the chat screen.
Type in /pitchforksstreams then press Enter and it will renders the same animation as /pitchforks but may last for a longer while. If you opt to disable this resource hungry animation, restart your chat client.
Type in /shydino then press Enter and it will show an orange house. Afterwards, a green-colored dino runs on the chat screen then stays behind the house.
Type in /corgis then press Enter and it will show a running Corgi.
Type in /tableback then press Enter. It will render a custom ascii code graphic.
Type in /tableflip then press Enter and it will render a custom ascii code graphic.
Type in /shruggie then press Enter and it will render a custom ascii code graphic.
Type in /8ball then press Enter and it will post a random text answer.
Type in /me then press Enter and it will show your google hangouts profile avatar.
Type in /yuno then press Enter and it will render a custom ascii code graphic.
Type in /happy then press Enter and it will render a custom ascii code graphic.
Type in /disapprove then press Enter and it will render a custom ascii code graphic.
Type in /shame then press Enter and it will render the triple bell emoji.
Type in /this then press Enter and it will render a custom ascii code graphic.
Type in /that then press Enter and it will render a custom ascii code graphic.
Type in /facepalm then press Enter and it will render a custom ascii code graphic.
Type in /puppyparty then press Enter and it will render a static emoji of several cute puppies.
Type in /wizard then press Enter and it will render a custom ascii code graphic.
Type in /lit then press Enter and it will render the triple flame emoji.
Type in /flowerbeam then press Enter and it will render a custom ascii code graphic with flower emojis.
/roll 3d6+2
Type in /roll 3d6+2 then press Enter and it will roll a dice and generate random value.
Type in /rolling then press Enter and it will roll a dice and generate random value.
Type in /rolls then press Enter and it will roll a dice and generate random value.
Type in /roll then press Enter and it will roll a dice and generate random value.
Type in ~@~ then press Enter and it will render a stinky poop emoji.
Type in V.v.V then press Enter and it will render a crab emoji
Type in Hooray! then press Enter and it would have supposedly render an animated character or a fox wearing straw hat with a white bird on top. (Deprecated and only displays the same text in bold format)
Type in Rofl then press Enter and it would have supposedly render a fox, a bird or a yellow chubby character. (Deprecated and only displays the same text in bold format)
Type in Hehehehe then press Enter and it would have supposedly render a fox, a bird or a yellow chubby character. (Deprecated and only displays the same text in bold format)
Type in lolololol then press Enter and it would have supposedly render a laughing fox and a white mustached character. (Deprecated and only displays the same text in bold format)
Type in xoxoxoxo then press Enter and it would have supposedly render a fox, a bird or a yellow chubby character with heart emojis. (Deprecated and only displays the same text in bold format)
Type in yay!! then press Enter and it would have supposedly render an animated character or a fox wearing straw hat with a white bird on top. (Deprecated and only displays the same text in bold format)
Type in woohoo!! then press Enter and it would have supposedly render an animated yellow character or a fox wearing straw hat with a white bird on top. (Deprecated and only displays the same text in bold format)
Type in Bwahahahahaha then press Enter and it would have supposedly render a fox, a bird or a yellow chubby character. (Deprecated and only displays the same text in bold format)
Type in LMAO!! then press Enter and it would have supposedly render a laughing fox and a white mustached character. (Deprecated and only displays the same text in bold format)
Type in meowwwww then press Enter and it would have supposedly render a fox, a bird or a yellow chubby character. (Deprecated and only displays the same text in bold format)
ha ha ha ha
Type in ha ha ha ha then press Enter and it would have supposedly render a fox, a bird or a yellow chubby character. (Deprecated and only displays the same text in bold format)
Type in woot!! then press Enter and it would have supposedly render an animated character or a fox wearing straw hat with a white bird on top. (Deprecated and only displays the same text in bold format)
Happy New Year!!
Type in Happy New Year!! then press Enter and it would have supposedly worked if type on January 1 and shows a fox wearing a hat with festive animations. (Deprecated and only displays the same text in bold format)
Happy Birthday!!
Type in Happy Birthday!! then press Enter and it show a festive birthday cake present. (Deprecated and only displays the same text in bold format)
Happy Easter!
Type in Happy Easter! or Easter bunny then press Enter and it would supposedly summon a yellow chick on a crack egg or a happy easter bunny. (Deprecated and only displays the same text in bold format)
posted April 16, 2018 by THE11thROCK for TeraBlitz.com
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