PC Cheats for Grand Theft Auto GTA Vice City are listed here for archiving and recording purposes. GTA VC is an open-world video game which Rockstar Games released on May 2003 for Windows.

Third Person Shooter, Open World, Action Adventure
Single Player, Online Multiplayer (MOD)
May 13, 2003 for Windows
Rockstar Games, Capcom
Rockstar North
Random Text Cheat Codes
Aggressive Drivers
All “light weapon”
All ”heavy” weapons
All ”medium” weapons
All cars are black
All cars are pink
All traffic lights are green
Blow up nearby cars
Candy Suxxx (Pornstar)
Cars can drive/hover over water
Cars can fly
Change Skin/Clothes
Commit Suicide
Decrease Wanted Level
Dense Clouds
Fast boats can fly for short periods of time
Foggy Weather
Full Armor
Full Health
Girls Carry Guns
Gives Tommy girly arms/legs
Ladies Man, Women Follow You
Light Clouds
Makes everything faster
Makes everything slower
Makes Tommy fatter
Makes you smoke a cigarette
Only the wheels of a car are visible
Peds Carry Guns
Peds Hate You
Peds Riot
Perfect Handling
Play as Hilary King
Play as Ken Rosenberg
lay as Lance Vance
Play as Love Fist character (Dick)
Play as Love Fist character (Jezz Torent)
Play as Mercedes
Play as Phil Cassidy
Play as Ricardo Diaz
Play as Sonny Forelli
Raise Wanted Level
Shows Media Level (when 2+ stars)
Spawn a Bloodring Banger
Spawn a Bloodring Banger #2
Spawn a Caddie
Spawn a Hotring Racer
Spawn a Hotring Racer #2
Spawn a Rhino
Spawn a Romero’s Hearse
Spawn a Sabre Turbo
Spawn a Trashmaster
Spawn Love Fist’s Limo
Speed up game clock
Sportscars have big wheels
Stormy Weather
Sunny/Clear Weather
Ghost World Glitch: All Structures and Terrain Disappear – Find Secret Packages easily
Ride any bike-type and run it as swift as you can to the Pole Position Strip Club entry way. However, just before you get there jump off your bike and let it slide all the way to the end. Then enter the Pole Position and you should be standing on or next to your bike. If it is far enough down the hall you can get on it without having to exit the building. Once on the bike and having exited the structure you can go anywhere in the game without the distracting buildings and terrain in view. Probably glitched, they are now invisible.
Glitches: Purchase all Assets for Free
First, acquire the cash to buy an asset. When you have the cash on hand, head to the asset and to the purchase icon in front of it. Start a replay and, and as soon as it ends, hit the Tab key and the replay button at the exact same time. Once the replay ends, you have purchased the asset, but without spending any cash for it.
Lure Hookers in the Australian Version
The Aussie girls will simply not get in your car, however if you drive next to a hooker and use the ”pedestrians get in car” cheat ‘HOPINGIRL’ the hooker should get into your car. When you go to a secluded place the car starts rocking and increases your health to up to 25 Health Points more.
Access to Second Island Early in the Game
Whenever you can, take the PCJ-600 motorbike. Look for the barricades blocking you from the next island. With these located, go a fair bit away down the road so that you have enough room to reach max speed. Accelerate towards the barricade and, assuming you’re at the maximum speed, you’ll simply go straight through the barricades instead of crashing into them.
Access to Starfish Island Early in the Game
If you attempt to get to Starfish Island too early, there will be barricades blocking you, and the footpaths are blocked by a black grate. Get a motorbike and attempt to slowly ride up the grates. At some point, you’ll be launched at a high velocity through the gate, to the other side, although slightly hurt and without your motorbike.
Stop Traffic from Spawning
When you are in-game and on a vehicle, if you look backwards when driving, no traffic will spawn in front of you. If you know the game’s geography well, you can easily speed along to your destination without threat of being knocked off your vehicle.
Place two Vehicles in Your Garage
One of the Two vehicles MUST be a Motorcycle. Take a Motorcycle and park it half way into the entry point (preferably of to the side). Take another Motorcycle or a car nearby and drive it into the garage. Get on the Motorcycle thats parked halfway and drive that in too. Now you have 2 Vehicles in your garage!
Fast Gun Reload
Using a gun and you finish off a clip, just quickly scroll the mouse wheel up, then quickly back down to the weapon you were using. Your gun should already be reloaded. This helps you when in a gang battle.
Playback Glitches
When you are in-game, enter a mission and go to a point where a Rampage icon is meant to spawn (but isn’t there, because you’re in a mission). Make a quick replay at that spot and finish the mission as normal. At later times, you can use this replay to trigger the Rampage from a distance. In doing so, the game is tricked into thinking you’re not on a mission, even if you are. This will allow you to take the same mission at multiple simultaneous times or multiple different missions all together. If you take the same mission several times, the spawns for cars and stuff used in that mission will essentially respawn instantly on each other; for example, in “Jury Fury”, the cars of your victims stack on each other and quick explode from massive damage. Another example is the final Print Works mission; by completing it several times at the same time, you can trick the game into thinking you’ve obtained that many assets, triggering the game to allow the final bits of the game early. You can also take multiple missions to help speed the game along.
How to Unlock
Get a Bullet Proof Sabre Turbo
Start a mission where you must race against Hillary. When the race begins turn around and drive for about ten seconds, park your car across the street to make a road block. Wait for Hillary to come and shoot him in the head with a sniper rifle.
Miscellaneous Unlockables
How to Unlock
150 Armor
Beat a level 12 Vigilante Mission
150 Health
Beat a level 10 Pizza Boy Mission
Faster weapon reload
Beat 45 or more Points at the shooting range
Fireproof on Foot
Beat a level 12 Firetruck Mission
Infinite Sprint on Foot
Beat a level 12 Paramedic Mission
Taxi Hydraulics
100 Taxi fares
100% Complete Game Unlockables
How to Unlock
200 Armor
Complete the Game 100%
200 Health
Complete the Game 100%
200 Health on all cars
Complete the Game 100%
3 Bodyguards in your Mansion
Complete the Game 100%
Frankie t-shirt found in mansion
Complete the Game 100%
Infinite Ammo
Complete the game 100%
Hidden Packages Rewards Unlockables
How to Unlock
.308/Laser Scope Sniper Rifle delivered to Hideout(s)
Find 50 Hidden Packages
.357/Python delivered to Hideout(s)
Find 30 Hidden Packages
Body Armor delivered to Hideout(s)
Find 10 Hidden Packages
Chainsaw delivered to Hideout(s)
Find 20 Hidden Packages
Flame Thrower delivered to Hideout(s)
Find 40 Hidden Packages
Hunter appears at Military Base
Find 100 Hidden Packages
Minigun delivered to Hideout(s)
Find 60 Hidden Packages
Rhino appears at Military Base
Find 90 Hidden Packages
Rocket Launcher delivered to Hideout(s)
Find 70 Hidden Packages
Sea Sparrow spawns at Vercetti Mansion
Find 80 Hidden Packages
Secret Cars
These are the secret cars list and how to get them:
Vehicle Side-Mission Unlockables
How to Unlock
Black Voodoo
Shoot the police.
Bloodring Banger
Complete the Bloodring event at Hyman Memorial Stadium and two will spawn in the nearby parking lot.
BP/EP/DP/FP Admiral
Steal it during the Guardian Angels mission.
Complete the first list of cars at the car showroom and it will spawn on the first floor. The list is on the wall down by the garages.
Hotring Racer
Complete the fourth list of cars at the car showroom and it will spawn on the second floor.
Collect all 100 hidden packages or complete all of the main story missions and it will spawn at Fort Baxter Air Base.
Love Fist Limo
Take it to a garage during one of the Love Fist missions in which you drive the limo.
Collect 90 hidden packages and it will spawn at Fort Baxter Air Base. Alternately, get six stars and the army will use it against you.
Romero’s Hearse
Steal it during the final Avery Carrington Mission
Sabre Turbo
Complete the second list of cars at the car showroom and it will spawn on the first floor.
Complete the third list of cars at the car showroom and it will spawn on the second floor.
Sea Sparrow
Collect 80 hidden packages and it will spawn behind the Vercetti Estate.
Complete all the Film Studio Missions and it will spawn behind the Film Studio.
Spand Express
After the Jury Fury mission by Ken Rosenburg, you can steal the car.
White Walton
Steal it during the Gun Runner Mission.
Zebra Taxi
Complete all of the missions for the Kaufman Cabs asset and it will spawn in the parking lot.
Vice City Unlockables
Vehicle Side-Mission Unlockables
How to Unlock
“Best Shooter” trophy at Ocean View Hotel
Beat Phil’s score in the “The Shootist” mission.
“Gash” shopping bag at Vercetti Estate
Complete the Protection Ring missions.
0.357 Pistol at Vercetti Estate
Complete the “Keep Your Friends Close” mission
Bag of cash at Ocean View Hotel
Complete the Printing Press missions.
Robber’s mask at Ocean View Hotel
Complete the “The Job” mission.
A real virtual Easter Egg
Aim for the Helipad on top of the Vice City-News Station (on the second Island). Sometimes there is the VCN Mavrick on the Helipad. The building on the right has a hallow wall so you can go through it. The hallow part is a unrealistic looking window on the left of it. Run from one side of the heliport to the other and then jump into the hallow window. There you will see the Easter Egg with a sign on it that says Happy Easter.
Grow\Shrink Moon
At night, shoot the full moon with a sniper rifle. The moon will grow and shrink each time you shoot it.
posted February 25, 2016 by THE11thROCK for TeraBlitz.com
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